Friday, October 5, 2012

Book Details 
Paperback: 104 pages
Publisher: O’Reilly Media (September 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1449312268
ISBN-13: 978-1449312268
File Size: 18.9 Mb | File Format : PDF + Epub
Book Description

Would you like to integrate Google+ with an existing website, or build your own social application on the platform? Developing with Google+ takes you on a tour of the Google+ APIs, with lots of concrete examples and hands-on projects. You’ll learn how to take advantage of Google+ social plug-ins, communicate programmatically with Google+ over REST APIs, and author real-time Hangout Apps.

Over the course of this book, you’ll follow the progress of a fictional company, Baking Disasters, as it incorporates all the features of the Google+ platform.
  • Make the most of social widgets such as the +1 button, Badge, and the Share button
  • Use performance tuning techniques to speed up social plugins on your site
  • Create your own plugins by accessing public data APIs with RESTful web services
  • Transform an blog into a social web application through server-side processing
  • Use OAuth to authenticate users and authorize your access to their private data
  • Extend Google+ Hangouts programmatically and create your own application
About The Author 

Jennifer works in Developer Relations on social products at Google. Previously she has worked in a wide variety of software engineering roles from robotics at NASA to the architect of a social media startup. She is passionate about writing and education, especially on the subjects of technology and science.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Social Plugins
Chapter 3. Public Data APIs
Chapter 4. OAuth-Enabled APIs
Chapter 5. Collaborative Baking with Hangout Apps
Chapter 6. Wrapping Up the Baked Goods

Download Ebook : Developing with Google+: Practical Guide to the Google+ Platform

Developing with Google+: Practical Guide to the Google+ Platform
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Developing with Google+: Practical Guide to the Google+ Platform

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