Sunday, August 19, 2012


This book was started on the initiative of Ladan Arissian, a poet and physicist, as you will clearly sense from the style of various chapters. She has a broad educational background in various disciplines of physics (nuclear, condensed matter, and optical science). In addition to being a research physicist, she dreams of being a teacher and
strives to present science in new ways.

This book would not have been published if it had not been ornamented with the name of Professor Jean-Claude Diels, who was willing to sacrifice his reputation as a serious science writer of »ultrafast laser pulse phenomena« [7]. He has decades of experience in tweaking and building impossible lasers and trying to understand the effect
of each optical component on the optical pulse. He has never closed the laser box and refused to reduce it to a rectangle in a diagram. He only agreed to coauthor this book if he could insert his cartoons in the text.

Our enthusiasm about lasers and their applications is just a minute reflection of the work of men and women in science,bearing all the frustration and obstacles of conducting research. We are in debt to all scientists, engineers, technicians, and students whose persistence and patience have introduced the laser in all fields of science as well as in our daily lives.


"Lasers" are active ingredients of our modern life, but they are inconspicuous as they often go unnoticed. This intuitive introductory guide will tell you all you want to know about laser technologies in very diverse fields from nuclear and particle physics to medicine, astronomy and ultra-precise metrology. The book is coherently focused on fundamentals, and is aimed to stimulate intuition about present and future applications, while unveiling the halo of myths around lasers. Written by reputable laser experts who think that science should be entertaining, this useful reference relies on simple analogies and illustrations rather than complex mathematics, and will be suitable for students and end-users of laser technologies, including novices.

Main Contents:

1 A Scenic Route through the Laser.
2 Laser Coherence at Home.
3 The Laser in Medicine.
4 Lasers in Industry.
5 Laser Time Capsule.
6 Light in Matter.
7 High Power Lasers (Tazer/Teaser).
8 Laser Sensors.
9 Future Perspectives.



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